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Apple contractors listened to 1,000 other people's requests to Siri per day

Somehow, it suddenly became clear that large corporations were listening to users of their products (never before, and again). Of course, they do this only to make their voice assistants more perfect. As an employee of a former Apple contractor said, he and his colleagues had to listen to about 1,000 other people's recordings of communication with Siri for a shift.

Apple previously stated that only 1% of Siri's activations went through the ears of living people. About 300 employees of the Irish company Globetech were engaged in this.

- Most of my colleagues are young people from Cork who have no work. In addition, dozens of people from Canada, Australia and mainland Europe work with us, ”PhoneArena quotes a former“ hearing aid ”.

He said that each recording lasted only a few seconds and contained the commands said for Siri. However, he admitted that sometimes he heard personal data or fragments of conversations.

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